There are, of course, certain topics that its difficult to touch on if youre a white male upper-middle class beer blogger between the ages of 18-35. Thats a demographic that has historically dictated taste (Nuts and Gum; Together at last), but which is almost unilateral in its consumption of fizzy […]
Toronto Beer Week
DAY ZERO Like I mentioned earlier, I came home from the Canadian Brewing Awards with a large number of relatively interesting beers. I’ve noticed that some people have the ability to keep rare and interesting beers in their cellar for long periods of time. I marvel sometimes when people mention […]
Toronto Beer Week – Sunday & Monday
One of the best things about the events listing for Toronto Beer Week is the fact that there are a lot of events that are taking place that otherwise wouldn’t. Just the fact that there is likely to be an influx of interest in the subject tends to mean that […]
Toronto Beer Week – Beer Culture Events
Today I’m going to try and point you in the right direction when it comes to food pairing events. There are an ever increasing number of them being announced for Toronto Beer Week and they run the gamut from the relatively simple to the extremely complex, but there are only […]
Toronto Beer Week – Food Pairing Events Preview
As a teenager, I collected LPs. It was after the advent of the CD so people would look at me askance, because they claimed that digital quality was so much better. In truth, I was never much interested in the quality of the sound that was coming out of the […]
Toronto Beer Week – A Rough Guide
There are, of course, two things that people claim that they don’t want to see being made: law and sausage. One contains a lot of grease , pork and leftover trimmings and the other is delicious sausage. That being said, no one ever claimed that events planning shouldn’t be open […]
Toronto Beer Week
Many people, when they write about brewing beer, start at the very beginning: A theoretical brewer somewhere in Egypt or Sumeria who discovered nearly eight millennia ago that by some miracle of nature, wet barley would ferment given exposure to wild yeast. It’s a relatively nonsensical place to start because […]
St. John’s Wort Shameless Publicity Grab IPA – Brew Day
Charlie Papazian is famous in song and story for having written, in The Complete Joy of Homebrewing, the phrase “Relax. Have a homebrew.” If you read any edition of his book it becomes clear fairly quickly that this is a mantra of sorts for Charlie, and it’s a good one. […]
St. John’s Wort Shameless Publicity Grab IPA – Preparation
One of the best things about being a beer drinker in Toronto this year is the fact that the number of events keeps increasing. There was Ontario Craft Beer Week, the Hart House Craft Beer Festival and starting on Thursday of this week, we’re going to have the Toronto Festival […]
So You Want To Be A Brewer – The Toronto ...
Now that the booths have been packed up at the Sunnyside Pavilion and the events of the week have come to an end, it’s a good opportunity to take a look back and see exactly what Ontario Craft Beer Week accomplished. For me, there were high spots and low spots […]