As regular readers will be aware, I have somehow managed to get into the Niagara College Brewmaster and Brewery Operations Management program. It’s my intention to write about the experience whenever the mood takes me. I doubt that I will be talking frequently about the content of the courses, as […]
craft brewing
You can learn a lot from awards given out at large beer festivals. You’re not going to learn who the best in the world is. You’re not going to learn who the best brewer is or even what the best light lager is. There’s no true objectivity for the simple […]
Neustadt Springs Brewery & The U.S. Open Beer Championship
Sometimes, through a dearth of planning, you end up with a previous engagement during an important awards show and end up in bustling downtown Guelph during the proceedings. The Golden Tap Awards or “Tappies” are an important Ontario beer institution and I was lucky enough to be able to dispatch […]
The 2010 Golden Tap Awards!
This weekend at Bar Volo, theyre having a series of tastings and events based around the launch of a number of Products from MicroBrasserie Charlevoix. This is the second such launch from Bar Volo, who are also the brains behind HMH Negotiants, which is dedicated to importing quality beers from […]
Charlevoix @ Bar Volo
Today, Id like to talk about marketing: Specifically the most recent ad campaign for Molson Canadian. If you watch prime time TV, youve probably seen this one already, but the link to the commercial is here. We Canadians see things a little differently. We dont see cliffs, we see diving […]
Molson Canadian – Made Up Canada
In gearing up for Ontario Craft Beer Week, it made sense to me to take a look at the latest promotion offered by the Ontario Craft Brewers: OCB Discovery Pack #5, or as the packaging refers to it OCB Discovery Pack Summer 2010. The discovery pack is priced at $9.95 […]