Tuesday was the fourth annual Ontario Craft Brewers Legislative Tasting at Queen’s Park, the day was really rainy and windy but we had a really good marquee. It was the first one that I’ve managed to attend, and it prompted some interesting revelations about the old family tree. As it […]

Don’t Worry About the Government

Sunday, about the time that the Blue Jays were demonstrating how not to score any runs, I went to the fridge to get a beer. It seemed to me that there was very little point in yelling at Juan Rivera for being a goldbricking layabout while completely sober. It’s sort […]

In Which My Local LCBO Closes Down

One of the main things that I hadn’t considered about Niagara College was the existing programs. It will probably not come as a surprise to regular readers that I have done quite a bit of research into the Brewmaster and Brewery Operations Management program, what with being a prospective student. […]

Niagara College Grand Opening – Brewmaster Meals

This was my first year at the Brewer’s Plate dinner. I have to say that my experience of events like this is coloured somewhat by the fact that I watch a lot of Top Chef. Regular, Masters, All-Stars, I’ll probably even watch the Canadian one when it starts up on […]

The Brewer’s Plate 2011 edition: Top Chef St.John’s Wort

It’s a new season! The little lame balloon man whistles far and wee! Those little blue flowers whose name I always forget are only a couple of weeks away (a quick google tells me they’re probably Scylla). It’s supposed to hit 60 this afternoon, and if the price we have […]

Smashbomb and Social Responsibility

Last week around this time I was down at the Amsterdam Brewery for a product launch. Now, I know from having been to a number of them that launching a beer is a pretty hard thing to attract people to in Toronto. Imagine how difficult it must be to get […]

BB Barfly Bottle Opener

Dateline – Weehauken, New Jersey According to his blog, All The Beer In The World, Steve Hackenbush of Weehauken, NJ has today completed his quest to sample and rate all of the beers produced by mankind. This seemingly impossible achievement marks the end of a thirteen year project for Hackenbush, […]

All The Beer In The World

The thing about writing a blog is that you have to keep churning out content, and this essentially means that you’re always on the lookout for something to write about. All beer bloggers are doing this all the time in order to stay relevant. By the same hugely generalized token, […]

The Wreck of The Okanagan Springs Beer Review

Hands down, the most interesting development of the last couple of weeks is that beer now gets delivered to my doorstep. Not a huge amount of beer. It’s not like I won a contest or anything. Usually single bottles in bubble wrap. The beer fairy brings other things as well: […]

Beer Fairy Thursday: Keith’s Tartan Ale, Innis and Gunn Rum ...

An article in the Globe and Mail was recently brought to my attention, titled “If you really loved Ontario families, Mr. McGuinty, you’d kill the LCBO.” It’s essentially an example of how not to be taken seriously and a petulant tantrum on the part of the columnist. He starts out […]

Whiny, Petulant Man-Children