“It’s really a root. The fabric is just there to keep the leaves from getting burnt.” The sun will burn in and the tobacco crops that show themselves a gnarled fading yellow back from the road and across an stretch of loamy soil are proof of that. It is the […]

Despatches From The Road: Norfolk County

Change comes slowly but inevitably, and in Toronto that means condominiums. The stretch of Yonge Street between Bloor and College, that final ungentrified stretch of smut peddlers, head shops, and bootleg vendors is going upscale bringing with it the promise of one-bedrooms from the mid 200’s. I can’t lie that […]

The End of Bar Volo and The Beginning of Bars ...

I had finished my Heritage Toronto walk on the Lost Breweries of the old city, the third of four for the summer, and had managed to remember nearly all of the regular talking points. Headed east over the Don, I was kicking myself for confusing the High Park Johns. Surely […]

The Long Trudge: Collingwood

The Background Sometimes, it takes a while to write about things that people send me. It seems that as you get to the portion of a beer writing career where books enter the equation that you spend a lot less time actually writing and a lot more time arranging travel […]

Review: Ernest Cider

When we write the Ontario Craft Beer Guide, the hardest part is coming up with interesting things to say about newly founded breweries. In some cases, we’re lucky and the personnel involved takes care of that for us. Take Second Wedge in Uxbridge: They hired Doug Warren as a brewmaster […]

Breweries and Hard Won Identity

(Ed. Note: This is a deeper dive than I intended on Root Beer. I am now sick to death of bloody wintergreen.) I always find alcohol trends fascinating. I remember the 90’s when Mike’s Hard Lemonade came out and engendered an entire wave of alcopop coolers that people enjoyed during […]

That’s Quite Enough Of Your Sassafras

Contract brewing has proved to be a grueling, merciless, low margin, joyless and difficult way to make your way in the beer industry. Consider how hard it is to operate as a physical brewery in Ontario. You’ve got to fight for shelf space in the LCBO and grocery chains or […]

Ace Hill, Lost Craft and Contract Brewing in Ontario

When we were coming up with a rating system for the Ontario Craft Beer Guide, we had a lot of material to work with. We’re familiar with BJCP style guidelines, but the simple fact is that they don’t actually reflect reality terribly well. They are good guidelines for competition because […]

The Ontario Craft Beer Guide: Ratings and Expectation Management

About two weeks ago I got an email suggesting that a package was being sent to me with a variety of ciders inside. Yesterday a package full of cider showed up at my door with the Strongbow branding on a hamper. I had forgotten entirely about the email by this […]

Macro Cider Reviews and a Stunning Conclusion

A couple of weeks ago I was sent a few of Sawdust City’s one offs to review. This was, by and large, a good thing. I like having new beers around to try and that can be a hard thing to do at this point. While there are a lot […]

Sawdust City Spring Seasonals Redux