
“One apricot, Please.” “One kilo?” says the vendor, sizing up a sizeable tourist. “One apricot. Please.” He rumbles a couple from the top of a punnet and finds a ripe apricot, understanding that it is going to be eaten immediately. I feel I need to be doing something while stumbling […]

An Ideal Saturday in Mechelen

Thumbing out of airplane mode somewhere between wheels down and passport control, I was surprised to learn that Barley Days, a perennially underperforming brewery from Picton, Ontario had decided to take up the Buck-A-Beer challenge. The main surprise would be the constraint that it seemed unlikely to be a profitable […]

A Busman’s Holiday

In writing and researching about beer and food, I’ve elected to start from the ground up. Despite having made that decision, there are always other avenues of approach. Early last week I was at a beer dinner at The Chef’s House at George Brown College featuring four breweries from East […]

Pork Rinds

Gregg Irwin from Fourpure says, as we’re enjoying the collaborative Pilsner they’ve brewed with Henderson for the launch of a beer that didn’t quite clear customs, that the thing that got him into beer was beerbistro. It was around 2008 and it was the first time he had Dogfish Head. […]


Here’s an idea: Let’s take the three star Michelin chef at his word. Maybe if you’re going to think more about food, you need a deeper well of reference and to break the problem down into components. I tell the kids in the beer appreciation class at George Brown that […]

Salt Peanuts