
I don’t quite remember who said it to me (maybe Dave Sun Lee on twitter): “why would you go across town for beer at this point?” A decade ago that question was ridiculous; people would cross the country. With nearly 60 breweries in the city of Toronto, you probably have […]

Longslice Brewery and The Aviary

It’s not really St.John, you know.  No one really had that as a last name. It wasn’t a medieval occupation like Smith, or Baker, or Fletcher, or Cooper. An eccentric master at school would always ask if it was Sinjin, since I went to Upper Canada and it must have […]

On Picking Hops in Kingston

The Rosedale Diner is sort of a neighbourhood date night place. That’s how I remember it, anyway, having taken a date there about a decade ago. It’s funny that I remember the Duck Confit more than the conversation, but perhaps not all that surprising. I had read Kitchen Confidential and […]

The Rosedale Diner

He gets it wrong, but maybe I’ve explained what I’m looking for badly. “Culture comes from the top down,” says John Keeling standing behind a row of bleachers during intermission. “Say I get a bonus annually and the director of the company comes to me and says that next year, […]

Some Thoughts on Fuller’s