
The Background Sometimes, it takes a while to write about things that people send me. It seems that as you get to the portion of a beer writing career where books enter the equation that you spend a lot less time actually writing and a lot more time arranging travel […]

Review: Ernest Cider

When we write the Ontario Craft Beer Guide, the hardest part is coming up with interesting things to say about newly founded breweries. In some cases, we’re lucky and the personnel involved takes care of that for us. Take Second Wedge in Uxbridge: They hired Doug Warren as a brewmaster […]

Breweries and Hard Won Identity

(Ed. Note: This is a deeper dive than I intended on Root Beer. I am now sick to death of bloody wintergreen.) I always find alcohol trends fascinating. I remember the 90’s when Mike’s Hard Lemonade came out and engendered an entire wave of alcopop coolers that people enjoyed during […]

That’s Quite Enough Of Your Sassafras