Monthly Archives: April 2020

One of things that you swiftly realize as a beer drinker during a situation like we’re currently experiencing is that beer is usually not about beer. It’s about people. We’re all worried about the livelihoods of people who own breweries and restaurants, and rightly so. As a life’s work they’re […]

In Which I Don’t Go Anywhere

At the beginning of February, Matron Brewing put a piece on their website about the hop industry in Ontario. It’s a well written piece that talks about the difficulties that people have been facing over the last several years in scaling up their hop yards within the province. It hit […]

Some Thoughts on Ontario Hops

It’s been heartening over the last couple of weeks to see adjustments to the way that the beer industry functions go into effect. It just goes to show that reform has always been possible, although the alacrity with which some moves have been made will require a little thinking time […]

Contract Brewing in the time of Corona