Recently, I was sent a copy of Tom Acitelli’s new book, The Audacity Of Hops, for review purposes. I finished it last week and I can tell you that it’s well worth reading. The prose is engaging and the story that it tells of craft beer’s rise to prominence is […]
Monthly Archives: May 2013

One of the things that always interests me in craft beer is how larger regional breweries deal with the market. Of course, there are independently owned regional breweries like Great Western who are pretty much devoted to doing one thing and doing it well. Then there are large breweries like […]
Big Rock – Changes in Direction
I want to suggest something to you, and it may be something that has crossed your mind if youre a brewer in Ontario. I think that were all aware that large brewers are, if not faltering, then experiencing a period of contraction. This is probably as the result of the […]